Saturday, August 17, 2019

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Jesus in Jerusalem, Herod's Temple, and Marc Chagall

Our morning drive across Jerusalem brought us to the Hadassah Medical Center and its Synogue featuring the Chagall Windows. The beauty of the twelve large windows, each one dedicated to a tribe of ancient Israel, was incredible.

We then returned to the Old City area, near the ancient City of David to visit the site of Jesus healing of the man born blind, the Pool of Siloam. A short hop found us at the Church of Peter in Gallicantu (The Cock Crowed). Here the house of the High Priest Caiaphas once stood, where Jesus was tried before the Sanhedrin. He was possibly held prisoner in a small “dungeon” there, and in the outer courtyard the Gospels tell of the Apostle Peter’s denial of knowing Jesus three times over.

Back into the ancient city, our walking trip and shoe leather found us at the traditional site of the Upper Room and Last Supper of Jesus and His Disciples. Here, too, the Holy Spirit descended as tongues of fire on the first Pentecost morning. How interesting to be in the location on Pentecost morning!The nearby Tomb of David is a favorite site for Orthodox Jews to pray.

We spent time in the Jewish Quarter of the city, enjoying lunch and a little shopping, followed by a stroll along the ascent Roman Cardo (Main Street) and then visit to the archaeological ruins outside the Temple Mount. Our final visit was deep inside the city, following the ancient Herodian wall of the Temple that had some stones weighing over 500 tones and more than 100 feet long!!

Back late to the hotel, but happy, we will spend our last day of touring tomorrow in the modern city seeing the Shrine of the Book, the Israel Museum, a model city of ancient Jerusalem, and the Yad VeShem Holocaust Museum.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jerusalem and the Last Week of Jesus

Our Jerusalem day began on the Mount of Olives with a beautiful overlook of the city. The golden Dome of the Rock now sits on the site of the former Jewish Temple. We walked down the road toward the Kidron Valley, following the path Jesus took into the city on Palm Sunday, stopping at the Church of Dominus Flevit (the Lord Wept) and the beautiful modern chapel built there.

Continuing down the hillside we reached the Church of All Nations built over the older Byzantine Church at Gethsemane and set in small garden of olive trees like that where Jesus prayed to be spared his fate. A small church once commemorating the burial of the Virgin Mary was nearby and we descended into its depths.

We the walked across the boot of the Valley, seeing the monumental Tomb of Absolom that dates to the first century CE. Climbing up e other slope of Mount Moriah, we entered the ancient walled city through the Lion Gate, stopping at the St Anne’s church and the site of the Pools of Bethesda in the Gospel stories. Nearby, we say the Lithostratos (pavement) of the Antonia fortress where Jesus was tried by Pilate and the traditional Eccentric Homo Arch.

We enjoyed a nice quick lunch and then joined throngs of pilgrims in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Mount Golgotha, waiting in line to enter the newly restored Edicule built over and around the ancient burial place of Jesus.

Lots of walking, lots of sites, lots of fun with one another….And even some Old City Shopping!!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Taking to the Hills

Today we moved out of the Jordan Valley and into the Central Hill Country of ancient Judah. We began at the Israelite fortress of Arad, home of an ancient temple to YHWH that was designed like its sister temple at Jerusalem..

Courtyard and altar, Arad
Arad "Holy of Holies."

Beit Guvrin
Beit Guvrin dovecots

The Tombs of the Sidonian Kings

After a wonderful lunch at the Grotto Restaurant in Bethlehem that followed a visit to the church at traditional Shepherds' Field, we enjoyed the under-restoration Church of the Nativity, the traditional birthplace of Jesus.

A night at the gorgeous Olive Tree Hotel in Jerusalem will be followed tomorrow with a day dedicated to the ministry of Jesus, his passion, and resurrection